Alpha Omega Biometrics Division Mobile and Office Background Screening, Fingerprinting and Drug Testing. AHCA Clearing House Ready
Alpha Omega Biometrics Division Mobile and Office Background Screening, Fingerprintingand Drug Testing. AHCA Clearing House Ready

Holiday Hours
Closed-Dec 23 thru Dec 27th.  
Return back on Dec 30th. 
Closed again 
Dec 31 & Jan 1st.
Reopen Jan 2nd


Announcing the

opening of our

West Coast Office
339 6th Ave W
Bradenton, FL 34205
A Full Service Location 

 * Office Service by Appointment ONLY
Available Hours:

10 AM to 5 PM 



Extended business hours

To accomodate our customers' busy schedules, we have extended our hours and are now available later.

Mon. - Fri. 10 am - 6 pm

Sat. & Sun.

By appointment only

Why Choose Mobile Services?

Alpha Omega works to provide services in a way that is convenient for our clients. By having Alpha Omega come to your location, you are saving time and money while still being guaranteed high quality service.



Why Electronic Fingerprinting?

The Federal Bureau of Investigation no longer accepts ink and paper fingerprinting cards, requiring all background check requests to have electronically scanned prints.


What Does The Service Fee Pay For?

The submission fees charged by the Fl. Dept. of Law Enforcement and the F.B.I. and our vendor service fee. 


Why Drug Test Employees?

31 Million American employees regularly use illegal drugs. This contributes to higher insurance costs and more work related incidents, employees with illegal drugs in their system are two thirds less productive than employees that are not using.

Is Drug Testing Employees Expensive?

No, at Alpha Omega we work with you to create a customized plan that is specific to your company so that you do not have to manage an in-house testing and compliance program.

Why Should I have My Child Fingerprinted?

44.9% of people reported missing in 2010 were under the age of 18, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Alpha Omega provides Child Fingerprint Kits that includes an FBI certified Biometric 10 digit Fingerprint profile with a high resolution, color digital photograph and description of health concerns and other identifying information about your child.

What is Biometrics?

Biometrics refers to the field of technology devoted to identifying individuals using biological traits. Traits may include iris scanning, fingerprints, or facial recognition.

How Can I Be Sure My Personal Information Is Safe?

At Alpha Omega, personal information is stored on our secure networks. When the customer is satisfied and our services completed, the information is then destroyed.

Alpha Omega Biometrics Division

All Services Are Mobile


Phone: 561-742-3335

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